I got this vest last year from Coldwater Creek. I thought it was so cute. My husband doesn't really care for it much. I have had it on just a couple of times and he has given me that.."I don't want to say that I don't like that...but I really don't like that" look. So I have changed it. Hubby would never want to hurt my feelings and is usually never critical of what I wear and almost always complementary...but on this one I have gotten the "look". But yesterday morning I decided to wear it to church. I thought I have it and I should wear it sometime. (Our church dresses very casual).
So I put it on.
Girlie had been given her vest by a good friend of mine. Her daughter has given Girlie some beautiful clothes. I didn't say anything to Girlie, but she had seen me before she got dressed...and she came down in her furry vest. She was all excited that we were "matchies". So this is how we went to church yesterday. We had fun in our furry vests!
It may have not been the most flattering outfit on me, but I had fun with Girlie.

1 comment:
I know you love animals so I have to ask...they are FAKE fur, right?
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